Settle-and-Sue Case Development

Settle-and-Sue Case Development Biller v. Faber, 2nd District No. B244232, 2016 WL 1725185 ( Apr 27, 2016) – Settlement malpractice lawsuit properly dismissed because the attorney defendant is precluded from presenting a defense due [...]

Statutory Exceptions to Mediation Confidentiality Moving Forward

Statutory Exceptions to Mediation Confidentiality Moving Forward - Draft Legislation re Proposed Evidence Code § 1120.5 California has long favored private negotiation and settlement of civil disputes. The state legislature has expressly stated that [...]

Arbitration Case Development – Emerald Aero LLC v. Kaplan

Arbitration Case Development Emerald Aero LLC v. Kaplan, 4th District No. 0070579, Feb 28, 2017, 2017 WL 767004 – State appeals court overturns arbitrator’s $30.8 million award finding that the lack of notice of the [...]

Mediation Review – Part II

Negotiation is an ancient process – used to transact business and resolve disputes. The negotiation process is anchored on each party’s word – on what they promise to do. Fundamentally, negotiation [...]

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